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An Evening of Gilbert & Sullivan

Marion Leeds Carroll, Program Coordinator
Eric Schwartz, Pianist

August 4, 2009 at 7:30pm - Christ Episcopal Church, Needham

Oh, happy young heart (The Sorcerer)
Marion Leeds Carroll
Oh I have wrought much evil (The Sorcerer)
Dave Leigh, Linda Nadeau
'Tis done! I am a bride (The Yeomen of the Guard)
Sara Michale Smith
Take a pair of sparkling eyes (The Gondoliers)
Christopher Smith
Cheerily carols the lark (Ruddigore)
Rosie Osser
The Lost Chord
Thomas Dawkins
Three little maids from school (The Mikado)
Caitlin Budny, Leslie Kittel, Jennifer Conant
The sun whose rays (The Mikado)
Caitlin Budny
Alone and yet alive (The Mikado)
Thea Lobo
Stay, Frederic, stay (The Pirates of Penzance)
Elaine Crane, Christopher Smith


Poor wand'ring one (The Pirates of Penzance)
Rebecca Hains + all women
In a contemplative fashion (The Gondoliers)
Christopher Smith, Sara Michale Smith, Jennifer Conant, Thomas Dawkins
The hours creep on apace (HMS Pinafore)
Stephanie Piraino
When jealous torments rack my soul (The Yeomen of the Guard)
Dave Leigh
I built upon a rock (Princess Ida)
Elaine Crane
O rapture! - When alone together (The Gondoliers)
Rebecca Hains, Christopher Smith
Sir Rupert Murgatroyd (Ruddigore)
Linda Nadeau + all women
If Saphir I choose to marry (Patience)
Leslie Kittel, Rosie Osser, Christopher Smith, Dave Leigh, Thomas Dawkins
Hail, Poetry (The Pirates of Penzance)
Thomas Dawkins + company + audience

Longwood Opera
42 Hawthorn Avenue
Needham, Massachusetts 02492-3806

For more information call (781) 455-0960 or send e-mail to

Last updated on July 29, 2009 --> by Marion Leeds Carroll
(longwood at