An Evening of Gilbert & Sullivan
Marion Leeds Carroll, Program Coordinator
Eric Schwartz, Pianist
August 4, 2009 at 7:30pm - Christ Episcopal Church, Needham
- Oh, happy young heart (The Sorcerer)
- Marion Leeds Carroll
- Oh I have wrought much evil (The Sorcerer)
- Dave Leigh, Linda Nadeau
- 'Tis done! I am a bride (The Yeomen of the Guard)
- Sara Michale Smith
- Take a pair of sparkling eyes (The Gondoliers)
- Christopher Smith
- Cheerily carols the lark (Ruddigore)
- Rosie Osser
- The Lost Chord
- Thomas Dawkins
- Three little maids from school (The Mikado)
- Caitlin Budny, Leslie Kittel, Jennifer Conant
- The sun whose rays (The Mikado)
- Caitlin Budny
- Alone and yet alive (The Mikado)
- Thea Lobo
- Stay, Frederic, stay (The Pirates of Penzance)
- Elaine Crane, Christopher Smith
Poor wand'ring one (The Pirates of Penzance)
- Rebecca Hains + all women
- In a contemplative fashion (The Gondoliers)
- Christopher Smith, Sara Michale Smith, Jennifer Conant, Thomas Dawkins
- The hours creep on apace (HMS Pinafore)
- Stephanie Piraino
- When jealous torments rack my soul (The Yeomen of the Guard)
- Dave Leigh
- I built upon a rock (Princess Ida)
- Elaine Crane
- O rapture! - When alone together (The Gondoliers)
- Rebecca Hains, Christopher Smith
- Sir Rupert Murgatroyd (Ruddigore)
- Linda Nadeau + all women
- If Saphir I choose to marry (Patience)
- Leslie Kittel, Rosie Osser, Christopher Smith, Dave Leigh, Thomas Dawkins
- Hail, Poetry (The Pirates of Penzance)
- Thomas Dawkins + company + audience